Afternoon: 15:00 Registration starts
16:00 Conference Start
Welcoming Words
Introduction of organizations Meet and GreetSession Assignment into workshops
for the following day.Participants will be able
to choose which workshop they are planning to attend the next day.
Morning: 09:30 Welcoming & Coffee 10:00 Introduction - Assigning Workshop Rooms
11:00 - 12:30 Workshop Session Information Delegates from invited organisations inform about their work.
Participants have the chance to receive current information,
hear about the work of the organisations and ask questions.
( Only for invited organisations )
VENUE @ FMP1 Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Next station : Berlin Ostbahnhof )
10:00 - 11:30
Discussion of the workshop outcomes
Finalization of the Special Issue Conference Newspaper
Midday: 11:30 - 13:00
Networking opportunity for internal meetings
Discussion concerning fundraising and forward planning
Conclusion of the conference
End: 13:00 - 13:30 Berlin Ethnic Music Ensemble
tuesday session 1
tuesday session 2
tuesday session 3.1
tuesday session 3.2
Workshop Themes : Organisations have been allocated to workshops, depending on their fieldwork. There will be 10 parallel workshops with the following topics :
- Community Centers - Individual Case Work - Sea Crossings & Boat Landings
- Legal Support - Camp Management - Small Income Projects - Communication & Information
- Health Care - School & Education - Bridges from Germany
A trained workshop facilitator will be allocated to each workshop session to structure
the outcome and present it at the Market Place.
3rd October 11:00 - 12:30 Workshop Session Information :
Organisations will give input about their work, followed by a question and answer session. Participants will have the chance to inform themselves directly about the situation in Greece and Turkey. This is a space to exchange information, ask questions and get an impression of the field work of the organisation. This is also a time to reflect upon the last two years.
3rd October 14:30 - 16:00 Workshop Session Interaction:
Participants will meet again in the same groups, to discuss current urgent issues and challenges and exchange best practice examples. The workshop group is asked to formulate relevant demands and come up with messages from their workshop for the whole group of the conference and for the special issue conference newspaper.
3rd October 17:00 – 18:30 Market Place and News Desk
Market Place
Each group will bring their pin boards with the workshop results into the main conference room. In form of a Market Place, their messages will be displayed. Participants are invited to stroll around the Market Place, discuss and inform themselves about the other workshop results.
News Desk At the same time, ten designated reporters from each workshop will gather on the stage at a special News Desk. A News Team will live report the messages and demands from each workshop and collate it to formulate a Special Issue Conference Newspaper.
TheSpecial Issue Conference Newspaperwill be sent to
relevant influencers, academics and researchers, politicians and the media.
News Team: Anna Antonakis-Nashif (Chief Editor) studied political science at the Freie Universität Berlin and IEP Strasbourg and holds a PhD at the FU Berlin. She engages with Intersectional (gender) theory and Public, counterpublic sphere theories, Feminist Security Studies, Tunisian Society, media and Politics and comparative approaches in politics. From 2013 to 2016, she was granted a fellowship in the project “Elite Change and New Social Mobilization in the Arab World” at the Institute for Foreign and Security Studies SWP in Berlin. She is also engaged in networks of cultural politics in Tunis and Berlin.
Majid Al-Bunni is originally from Homs, Syria and has been working with MiCT (Media in Cooperation and Transition) since late 2013. Previously he produced and presented programmes on Baladna FM, one of the stations broadcasting via Syrnet. Al-Bunni’s background is in international relations and global affairs – he was studying at Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi in Istanbul before moving to Germany Susannah Edelbaum grew up outside New York and lived there until moving to Berlin in 2014. Previously she worked in the arts, but but has since transitioned to freelance writing and editing. Her work has appeared in a variety of outlets, including NPR Berlin, New York Magazine, Exberliner, and Fast Company.
Fish Bowl Discussion :
"Where to from here ?" The ConAction Fish Bowl Discussion will bring activists of various small humanitarian initiatives working in Germany, Greece and Turkey together with academic and political representatives as well as journalists. Together, we aim to think together, reflect on the main issues which have come up during the conference and develop strategies aiming to improve the catastrophic humanitarian conditions for refugees waiting in Greece and Turkey.
Fish Bowl Guests :
Efi Latsoudi
One of the founders of an open, self-organised Pikpa camp for vulnerable refugees who arrive on Lesvos. She has been awarded UNHCR’s Nansen award for her humanitarian efforts.
Karl Kopp Director of European Affairs, he represents PRO ASYL in the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE). He is responsible for media relations in the European context and for PRO ASYL’s Europe-wide connections with human rights and refugee organisations.
Houssam AL Deen Journalist from Damaskus, Co-founder of Salam e.V. Berlin
Ghias Aljundi Human rights advocate currently based in London. He has more than twenty years of experience of working on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) for national and international organisations specialising in human rights and freedom of expression. Himself a former refugee, he has been volunteering on the Greek islands since October 2015, after he saw the devastating images coming from the beaches.
Annalena Baerbock MdB Member of the German Parliament for the Alliance 90/The Greens, Member of the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union.
Moderation: Michaela Paech A project manager and trainer, Michaela Paech has worked in countries that produce some of today’s largest refugee populations in Europe. During 4 years in Afghanistan, Michaela was part of Aga Khan Foundation, promoting livelihoods and greater self-reliance in remote communities. In Kabul, she also recruited for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) who protected IDPs. Since 2014, from her base in Hamburg, she supports migrants and asylum-seekers to access education and job opportunities.
More will be announced here very soon - please watch this space.