Temporary schedule : program details are still being developed - watch this space !
Number of participants : up to 200 persons.
Conference language is English. Small groups in German if required.
Monday: October 2
15:00 Registration starts
16:00 Conference Start
Welcoming Words
Introduction of organizations
Meet and Greet Session
Assignment into workshops
for the following day. Participants will be able
to choose which workshop they are planning
to attend the next day.
Tuesday: October 3
09:30 Welcoming & Coffee
10:00 Introduction - Assigning Workshop Rooms
11:00 - 12:30 Workshop Session Information
Delegates from invited organisations inform about their work.
Participants have the chance to receive current information,
hear about the work of the organisations and ask questions.
Wednesday: October 4 Non-Public
( Only for invited organisations )
VENUE @ FMP1 Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Next station : Berlin Ostbahnhof )
10:00 - 11:30
Discussion of the workshop outcomes
Finalization of the Special Issue Conference Newspaper
11:30 - 13:00
Networking opportunity for internal meetings
Discussion concerning fundraising and forward planning
Conclusion of the conference
13:00 - 13:30
Berlin Ethnic Music Ensemble
tuesday session 1

tuesday session 2

tuesday session 3.1

tuesday session 3.2